About Us

We take great pleasure in being able to display you our new and complete latest Edition of Illustrated instruments for "Surgical" "Dental" "Orthodontic Pliers" "Manicure Pedicure" Instruments and espaisly aquirum tools for your perusal and reference.For special item not illustrated in this catalogue, we accept references from other foreign or local Catalogues and you are at liberty to enquire or place orders with us for any type size or style of Surgical, Dental instruments.

DENTREX Surgical instruments are being forged under Expert Matallurgical Supervision with up-to-data modern working methods.We are using selected materials and skilled craftsmen with  unremitting care at every stage of manufacture.We are fabricating our instruments from best raw materials according to patrons.

DENTREX Surgical Brand products enjoy world wide reputation for quality backed by many year experience in this business.We draw the attention of prospective buyers of surgical & dental interments towards the neccessity of careful selection in finding out their suppliers.Wrong selections based on cheap quotation and big names lead to misunderstanding.

We have every hope that our continued best services and fair dealings shall help building long term commerical relationship with our mutual busines interests.

In case of special insturments not appearing in this catalogue please submit model, drawing and full description.

Sincerely Yours,       





















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